Congratulations! At this point you have a ready-to-use SavaPage system. This concludes the Install Guide.
If you like, take some time to further explore the features of SavaPage in a more extensive free-format test drive.
Or, continue reading about the user interface details at Chapter 3, User Web App, Chapter 4, Admin Web App, Chapter 5, Job Tickets Web App and Chapter 7, Point-of-Sale Web App.
At this point you can also proceed with the configuration of IPP Everywhere and AirPrint, Mail Print and Web Print.
Chapter 9, Print Site Web App is a Feature Preview for setting up a location with self-service printers and copy machines.
Chapter 10, PDF/PGP Verification is a Feature Preview of an alternative PKI method to verify authenticity and integrity of PDF documents.
Chapter 11, User Client explains how to use a system tray notifier of SavaPage print events for desktops and notebooks.
Chapter 12, SavaPage Financial introduces the main pay-per-print concepts with references to more detailed parts of the manual.
Chapter 13, SavaPage on GNU/Linux offers an in-depth explanation of the GNU/Linux installation process, the directory layout and tools involved.
Chapter 14, SavaPage as Printer explains how for print from different platforms.
Chapter 15, Authenticated Printing describes how SavaPage determines the digital identity of users in different settings like Single Sign-On (SSO) Domains and Peer to Peer Networks.
Chapter 16, Printing Impact explains the metrics used when giving users feedback about the costs and environmental impact of their printing habits.
Chapter 17, Security discussed security issues and precautions.
Chapter 18, Freedom and Privacy explains how digital freedom and privacy is secured in the SavaPage domain.
Chapter 19, Internationalization explains how SavaPage is adapted to various languages and regions.
Chapter 20, Customization explains how SavaPage can be customized to match your organizational identity.
Chapter 21, Using an External Database explains how to use an alternative external relational database.
Chapter 22, Tuning discusses performance optimization and parameter tuning.
Chapter 23, SavaPage Community describes the SavaPage Community and explains how to use the Member Card.
Appendix A, Proxy Print Scenarios summarizes several Proxy Print scenarios in a shorthand catalogue.
Appendix B, NFC Authentication explains how SavaPage supports RFID as authentication method.
Appendix C, Tools explains the command-line interface for calling server methods, manipulate the database, stop and start the server, and for applying SSL certificates for secure HHTP connections.
Appendix D, Capacity Planning discusses how SavaPage uses disk space and network resources.
Appendix E, URL Cheat Sheet offers a Quick Reference Card of the available Web Interface URLs.
Appendix F, File Locations is an outline of locations and files in
Appendix G, Printable File Types gives a summary of the file formats supported by Driverless File Transfer Print.
Appendix H, Upgrading from a Previous Version describes the procedure to install a new version.
Appendix I, Migrating to a New Server describes the procedure to move your current SavaPage installation to a new server.
Appendix J, Advanced LDAP Configuration gives an in depth explanation of the LDAP configuration options.
Appendix K, PPD Extensions explains how to map vendor specific PPD keywords to IPP attributes.
Appendix L, IPP Extensions gives a summary of IPP attributes and values as extensions to the IANA registrated ones.
Appendix M, SavaPage Plug-ins explains how to deploy software components that add specific features to SavaPage.
Appendix N, PaperCut Integration explains how functions not present in PaperCut can be implemented with SavaPage as pre-processor and integrator.
Appendix O, Job Scheduling describes SavaPage background job scheduling.
Appendix P, GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) contains the full text of the AGPL.