A.3. Delegated Print Scenarios

The scenarios in this section elaborate situations where users act as Print Job Delegate for other users (Delegators) or entities (Shared Accounts).


A Personal Job Ticket Print is handled as Delegated Print, where the Job Ticket Creator has role Delegate and Delegator at the same time.

A.3.1. Delegated Print - (Non) Secure & Job Ticket Scenarios

Delegated Print

User Story

As a Delegate, I can print for other users (delegators) and entities, so that costs are charged to individual delegators, delegator groups and shared accounts.

As a Print Job Creator, I can act as Delegate for another entity, so that costs are charged to a shared account.

As a Job Ticket Creator, I can create a Personal Print, and act as Delegate and Delegator at the same time.

As a Job Ticket Operator, I can release or cancel the Job Ticket.

As an Operator, I can cancel a pending Print Job in CUPS.

  • Delegated Print is enabled.

  • Delegated Print with PaperCut is disabled.

  • Job is printed as Job Ticket, or in Non-secure or Authenticated (Hold or Direct) Print Mode.

  1. Delegate creates Delegated Print Job.

  2. Delegate prints the job.

Scenario 1

Non-secure Print

Given the Delegate printed to a non-secure Proxy Printer, Then:

  • The job is send to the printer.

  • Print-out document for Delegate is created.

    • SavaPage Account Transactions are created and linked.

      • Transactions are for personal delegators, delegator groups, and shared accounts involved.

      • Printing costs are pro-rata divided over the Account Transactions.

      • Transactions are displayed as Printer Usage with the pro-rata amount.

      • Transactions Summary with cost data is displayed with the Print-out document.

      • The actual print status from Pending, Processing (Held, Stopped) to end state Completed, Canceled or Aborted is displayed in the Print-out document and each transaction involved.

Scenario 2

Non-secure Print Canceled or Aborted

Given the Delegate printed to a non-secure Proxy Printer, And the print job is canceled or aborted by an Operator in CUPS, Then:

  • Print status Canceled or Aborted is displayed in the Print-out document and each transaction involved.

  • A Reverse button is available for the Print-out document in the Admin Web App for administrators with Editor permission for Accounts to reverse print counters and cost transactions as created in Scenario 1.

Scenario 3

Authenticated Print Release.

Given the Delegate printed to a Hold or Direct Mode Proxy Printer, And released the job by NFC Authentication, Then:

  • The Print-out document is created as in Scenario 1.

Scenario 4

Job Ticket Released.

Given the Delegate printed a Job Ticket, And the ticket is released by a Job Ticket Operator, Then:

  • The Print-out document is created as in Scenario 1, using Job Ticket Cost as printing cost.

Scenario 5

Job Ticket Canceled.

Given the Delegate printed a Job Ticket, And the ticket is canceled by the Delegate or an Operator (in SavaPage or CUPS), Then:

  • The Job Ticket is just removed.


Table A.2. Delegated Print - (Non) Secure & Job Ticket Scenarios

A.3.2. Delegated Print - Job Ticket - PaperCut - Scenario

Delegated Print via Job Ticket to PaperCut

User Story

As a Delegate, I can create a SavaPage Job Ticket for other users (delegators) and entities, so that costs are charged to individual delegators, delegator groups and entities in PaperCut.

As a Job Ticket Creator, I can create a Personal Print, and act as Delegate and Delegator at the same time.

As a Job Ticket Operator, I can release or cancel the Job Ticket.

As an Operator, I can release or cancel a pending Print Job in PaperCut or CUPS.


Charging costs to PaperCut entities is unconditional. Balance and overdraft preconditions are not checked for restricted PaperCut accounts. This can result in an overdraft beyond what is allowed by PaperCut printing rules.

  1. Delegate creates Delegated Print Job.

  2. Delegate prints job as Job Ticket.

  3. Job Ticket Operator releases the ticket to a PaperCut managed printer.

  4. Print-out document for Delegate is created with status Pending (external)

    • Shadow SavaPage Account Transactions are created and linked.

      • Transactions are for personal delegators, delegator groups, and shared accounts involved.

      • Transactions act as template for transactions created in PaperCut after the print is completed.

      • Transactions are displayed as Printer Usage with zero amount and status Pending (external).

      • Transactions Summary without cost data is displayed with the Print-out document.

  5. PaperCut print status is monitored till end state is reached.

Scenario 1

Print Completed.

Given the printer is a PaperCut Hold/Release queue And the Operator Released the job (in PaperCut), Or the job was printed directly, Then:

  • Print-out document gets status Completed.

  • SavaPage Job Ticket Cost is pro-rata divided over the Shadow SavaPage Account Transactions.

    • Transactions are displayed as Printer Usage with the pro-rata amount and status Completed.

    • Transactions Summary with cost data is now displayed with the Print-out document.

  • PaperCut Account Transactions are created according to the Shadow Accounts template.

Scenario 2

Print is Canceled or Timed out.

Given the printer is a PaperCut Hold/Release queue And the Operator Canceled the job (in PaperCut or CUPS) or the job Expired (in PaperCut), Then:

  • Print-out document gets status Canceled.

    • Transactions continue to be displayed as Printer Usage with zero amount but have status Canceled.

    • Transactions Summary without cost data continues to be displayed at the Print-in document.


Table A.3. Delegated Print - Job Ticket - PaperCut Scenario

A.3.3. Delegated Print - PaperCut Scenario

Delegated Print to PaperCut

User Story

As a Delegate, I can print for other users (delegators) and entities, so that costs are charged to individual delegators, delegator groups and entities in PaperCut.

As a Print Job Creator, I can act as Delegate for another entity, so that costs are charged to this entity in PaperCut.

As a Print Job Creator, I can create a Personal Print, and act as Delegate and Delegator at the same time.

As an Operator, I can release or cancel a pending Print Job in PaperCut or CUPS.

  • PaperCut Integration is enabled.

  • Delegated Print with PaperCut is enabled.

  • Proxy Printer used for printing is managed by PaperCut.

  • Proxy Printer used for printing is non-secure.

    • If Hold/Release printing is required it must be handled in PaperCut.

  1. Delegate creates Delegated Print Job.

  2. Delegate prints job to PaperCut Managed printer.

  3. Print-out document for Delegate is created with status Pending (external)

    • Shadow SavaPage Account Transactions are created and linked.

      • Transactions are for personal delegators, delegator groups and entities involved.

      • Transactions act as template for transactions created in PaperCut after the print is completed.

      • Transactions are displayed as Printer Usage with zero amount and status Pending (external).

      • Transactions Summary without cost data is displayed with the Print-out document.

  4. PaperCut print status is monitored till end state is reached.

Scenario 1

Print Completed.

Given the printer is a PaperCut Hold/Release queue And the Operator Released the job (in PaperCut) , Or the job was printed directly, Then:

  • Print-out document gets status Completed.

  • PaperCut Printing Cost is pro-rata divided over the Shadow SavaPage Account Transactions.

    • Transactions are displayed as Printer Usage with the pro-rata amount and status Completed.

    • Transactions Summary with cost data is now displayed with the Print-out document.

  • PaperCut Account Transactions are created according to the Shadow Accounts template.

Scenario 2

Print is Canceled or Timed out.

Given the printer is a PaperCut Hold/Release queue And the Operator Canceled the job (in PaperCut or CUPS) or the job Expired (in PaperCut) , Then:

  • Print-out document gets status Canceled.

    • Transactions continue to be displayed as Printer Usage with zero amount but have status Canceled.

    • Transactions Summary without cost data continues to be displayed at the Print-in document.


Table A.4. Delegated Print - PaperCut Scenario