A.2. Personal Print Scenarios

A.2.1. Personal Print - Non-Secure Scenarios

See Section 4.11.8, “Proxy Print”.

A.2.2. Personal Print - Secure Scenarios

See Section, “Proxy Print Authentication”.

A.2.2.1. Direct Print Scenario

See Section, “Direct Print Mode”.

A.2.2.2. Hold Print Scenario

See Section, “Hold Print Mode”.

A.2.2.3. Fast Print Scenario

See Section, “Fast Print Mode”.

A.2.2.4. Automatic Print Scenario

See Section 4.7.3, “IPP Routing”.

A.2.3. Personal Print - PaperCut Scenario

Personal Print to PaperCut

User Story

As a Print Job Creator, I can create a Personal Print, so that PaperCut printing costs are charged to my personal account in SavaPage.

As an Operator, I can release or cancel a pending Print Job in PaperCut or CUPS.


As a Job Ticket Creator, I can create a Personal Print.

This User Story is identical to the Personal Print track as described in Section A.3.2, “Delegated Print - Job Ticket - PaperCut - Scenario”, and is not discussed here.

  1. Print Job Creator creates Personal Print Job.

  2. Print Job Creator prints job to PaperCut Managed printer.

  3. Print-out document for Print Job Creator is created with status Pending (external)

    • A Shadow SavaPage Personal Account Transaction is created and linked.

      • Transactions are displayed as Printer Usage with zero amount and status Pending (external).

      • Transactions Summary without cost data is displayed with the Print-out document.

  4. PaperCut print status is monitored till end state is reached.

Scenario 1

Print Completed.

Given the printer is a PaperCut Hold/Release queue And the Operator or Print Job Creator Released the job (in PaperCut) , Or the job was printed directly, Then:

  • Print-out document gets status Completed.

  • PaperCut Printing Cost is used for the Shadow SavaPage Personal Account Transaction.

    • The transactions are displayed as Printer Usage with the PaperCut amount and status Completed.

    • A Transaction Summary with cost data is now displayed with the Print-out document.

Scenario 2

Print is Canceled or Timed out.

Given the printer is a PaperCut Hold/Release queue And the Operator or Print Job Creator Canceled the job (in PaperCut or CUPS) or the job Expired (in PaperCut) , Then:

  • Print-out document gets status Canceled.

    • The Shadow Transaction continues to be displayed as Printer Usage with zero amount, but now has status Canceled.

    • A Transaction Summary without cost data continues to be displayed at the Print-in document.


Table A.1. Personal Print - PaperCut Scenario