The state of the two systems involved in the print chain (SavaPage, PaperCut) is tightly coupled. Restoring an earlier backup of either system can break the work-flow for pending jobs and lead to unwanted results. For instance:
When a backup of SavaPage is restored, it will not handle jobs that were submitted to PaperCut after the backup point. In these cases SavaPage will show a print job status that does not reflect the real situation. On the other side, jobs that were already fully processed, might be re-processed by SavaPage, leading to extra charges on the shared PaperCut accounts.
When a backup of PaperCut is restored, SavaPage will not find PaperCut print status information for pending jobs that were submitted to PaperCut after the backup point. In these cases SavaPage will show an error print job status, when in real the job is completed or cancelled.
To avoid integration problems, review your backup and restore strategy carefully.
Make sure you create backups of both SavaPage and PaperCut at the same point in time. Also, be sure that at the time of backup all pending print jobs are fully processed. When you need to restore, use backups of the same snapshot time, first restore PaperCut and than SavaPage.